Piping system for supply and potable water technology __

Piping system for supply and potable water technology
27. August 2024 5 min.

The aquatherm green  polypropylene product family is a pioneering solution for drinking water and supply pipes, as well as for maritime applications. aquatherm green is clearly superior to metal pipes in many respects. With their outstanding material properties, the plastic pipe systems fulfil the increasing requirements of modern installations. More than 450 connection elements, including valves and ball valves, are available for planners and installers.

For potable water and maritime applications

Potable water undergoes the highest standards of quality control and is one of the most rigorously monitored consumables. aquatherm green is the plastic pipe system that ensures hygienically perfect potable water quality. It is resistant to corrosion, free of plasticisers, and both odourless and tasteless. The product family is the solution for drinking water distributors, underground drinking water pipes, for mixed installations in renovation projects, and for chemical and thermal disinfection.

Due to its low weight, chemical resistance, and corrosion resistance, aquatherm green is one of the preferred pipe systems for ships. It is utilised in hot and cold water distribution systems, ballast and cooling systems, and for waste water transport.


What distinguishes aquatherm green plastic pipes from metal pipes


Corrosion resistance

The corrosion resistance is one of the main differences between aquatherm green plastic pipes and metal pipes. Unlike metal pipes, which are prone to rust and other corrosive effects, aquatherm green pipes remain permanently resistant to these stresses. This significantly extends the service life of the installation, reducing both maintenance work and the associated costs.

Weight saving

Another advantage is the low weight of the aquatherm green pipes. Compared to their metal counterparts, they are much lighter, which makes handling, transport, and installation much easier.

Welding properties

The pipes are also easy and safe to work with thanks to the outstanding fusion technology. The connections are quick and easy to make and offer a durable, leak-proof solution for a wide range of applications.

Heat and sound insulation

aquatherm green pipes are also impressive in terms of thermal insulation and soundproofing. The insulating properties of the polypropylene ensure that heat losses are minimised, and flow noises are effectively insulated.

Environmentally friendly

The pipes are also ecologically sustainable: they are fully recyclable and free from harmful substances, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to metal pipes.

Protection against incrustation

Finally, aquatherm green pipes are characterised by their resistance to incrustations. While metal pipes can become clogged with deposits over time, the inner surfaces of aquatherm green pipes remain smooth and permeable, ensuring a constant flow rate.


The aquatherm product family and its main applications


aquatherm green S

aquatherm green S is the standard version of the system family. The pipe system is made from a single-layer polypropylene (PP-R). aquatherm green S is particularly suitable for applications in cold water installations where the medium temperature is around 25 °C. Thanks to its material properties, it offers high corrosion resistance and durability, making it ideal for drinking water installations and similar supply applications.

  • Diameter: 20 mm to 315 mm
  • Standard dimension ratio: SDR 6, SDR 7,4, SDR 11
  • Material: single-layer polypropylene (PP-R)
  • Corrosion resistance: high, no impairment of water quality

aquatherm green S


aquatherm green MF

aquatherm green MF is a multi-layer, fibre-reinforced pipe system that has been developed for applications where reduced thermal expansion and greater stability are required. By integrating a special fibre layer in the middle layer, linear expansion is reduced by 75 % compared to conventional PP pipes. In addition, it offers a 20% increase in flow rate due to the reduced wall thicknesses. The system is ideal for applications where higher pressure and temperature resistance is required.

  • Diameter: 20 mm bis 25 mm
  • Standard dimension ratio: SDR 7,4
  • Linear expension: 75 % less than with conventional PP pipes
  • Flow rate: 20 % higher at the same presssure ratios
  • Material: multi-layer, fibre-reinforced polypropylene
  • Impact strength: high, offers good resistance to mechanical impacts

aquatherm green MF


aquatherm green MF RP

This is the reinforced multilayer variant (MF RP = multilayer fibre with reduced wall thickness).

aquatherm green MF RP is an advanced version of the MF system that offers increased pressure resistance in addition to the fibre-reinforced structure. This variant is particularly suitable for demanding applications that require high pressure requirements and mechanical resilience. aquatherm green MF RP also enables reduced wall thicknesses for larger flow capacities for installations where maximum performance and space saving are required.

  • Diameter: 32 mm to 315 mm
  • Standard dimension ratio: (SDR): SDR 9
  • Material: multi-layer, fibre-reinforced polypropylene with increased compressive strength
  • Wall thickness: reduced wall thickness for increased flow capacity
  • Resistance: high mechanical and thermal load capacity

aquatherm green MF RP


aquatherm green MF UV and aquatherm green MF PR UV

The aquatherm green UV systems have been specially developed for outdoor applications where the pipes are exposed to intensive UV radiation. Both plastic pipe systems have a UV-resistant outer layer that protects the material from the damaging effects of solar radiation. The variants are particularly suitable for installations in hot and sunny climates and are often used in air conditioning technology.

  • Diameter MF UV: 20 to 32 mm
  • Standard dimension ratio MF UV: SDR 7,4
  • Diameter MF RP UV: 32 to 315 mm
  • Standard dimension ration: MF RP UV: SDR 9
  • UV resistance: A special polyethylene outer layer protects against UV damage.

aquatherm green MF UV


A family committed to sustainability

The aquatherm green product family not only stands for technical excellence, but also for environmental friendliness. Made from fully recyclable polypropylene (PP-R), it does not contain any harmful heavy metals or chemicals, significantly reducing the ecological footprint and protecting the health of users at the same time.

The environmental friendliness of aquatherm green is made transparent through environmental product declarations (EPDs). These declarations document the environmental impact of the system over its entire life cycle - from raw material extraction and production through to disposal or recycling. Based on the international standards ISO 14025 and EN 15804, these EPDs are verified by independent organisations. They confirm that aquatherm green has low greenhouse gas emissions and low energy consumption, making it an environmentally friendly choice for a wide range of applications.

EPDs are recognised by green building certification systems and sustainability certification systems such as DGNB, BNB, BREEAM and LEED. They are therefore a fundamental basis for the sustainable construction and management of buildings. The economic significance of EPDs such as aquatherm green is growing. This is because sustainable construction methods are increasingly being demanded in tenders or subsidised by public funds. It is important to have a recognised sustainability certification.


A family found everywhere in the world

The global significance and market share of plastic pipe systems is growing. One of the most successful products is aquatherm green. Here are some examples and inspirations that illustrate why building owners, architects, and planners have decided in favour of the high-quality pipes made of PP-R.

Water sports centre

For the aquatic centre Gippsland Recreation and Aquatic Centre (GRAC), aquatherm green was used for the piping of the geothermal system that heats the centre.

Water Sport Centre  Gippsland Recreation und Aquatic Centre (GRAC)


Research vessels

On the research vessels "Snow Dragon 1" and "Snow Dragon 2", aquatherm green is responsible for the drinking water supply and the disposal of grey and black water.

Hybrid superyacht

The hybrid superyacht "Artefact" with solar modules and an innovative drive system relies on aquatherm green for its drinking water installation, wastewater, and technical water.

Hybrid superyacht Artefact


Apartment complex

At the apartment complex "21 Young Street", aquatherm green is ensuring the drinking water supply for decades to come. Around 25,000 metres of plastic pipes were laid for this purpose.

Shopping centre

The shopping centre "Centro comercial y de ocio familiar Lagoh" in Seville has been awarded BREEM certification for sustainability. The drinking water pipe system aquatherm green contributed to this.


After six years of operation, the aquatherm green drinking water pipes at Club La Santa are still as good as new - they show no signs of incrustation.


Former NBA basketball star Mike Doleac praises aquatherm green for its environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness compared to copper pipes. He had our system installed to supply drinking water to his 600 square metre house.



Each variant of the aquatherm green product family fulfils specific requirements and offers customised benefits. This provides planners and installers with solutions that are not only functional, but also sustainable and durable. Whether it is a question of efficiency, environmental compatibility or resistance - the aquatherm green family offers the right answer to every challenge.

If you are interested in aquatherm green and would like to include the product family in your plans and projects, you can download all the documents here:

More information on aquatherm green